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Saudi women's footballers eye World Cup participation with launch of soccer league

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's launch of its first women's football league on Monday will clear the way for girls who dream of becoming professionals - and perhaps even playing in the World Cup.

Long condemned for harsh sanctions on women, Saudi Arabia lifted a decades-old ban on female footballers just a few years ago, and now aims to develop a national team large enough to fight in major tournaments. .

The ultra-Orthodox Muslim nation has faced criticism for its poor human rights record and for using sporting events to jail women activists.

Its latest move in a reform campaign came this month when the Saudi Football Federation announced the creation of a women's football league with 16 teams taking part in games in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam.

Among those excited by the move was Farah Jaffrey, who said she hopes to play in England's top division and represent her country on the biggest stage at the World Cup.

"At the beginning of my football journey, I faced some difficulties in which not everyone accepted it," she told AFP.

"But my family and friends were very encouraging to me," said the 18-year-old in the jersey ponytail.

Like many other girls who were passionate about football but were unable to participate in competitions, Jaffrey played on the street with relatives or with friends at school.

His only other outlet was watching the game on television, she said.

The state adheres to a rigid interpretation of Islam, and women's participation in sport is still up in some quarters.

But since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power in 2017 some restrictions on women have been lifted as the country opens up to the world through sweeping reforms.

This change has enabled women to get behind the wheel and participate in mixed-gender settings, even as harsh crackdown on dissent remains.

'number one'

According to officials, Jafri is one of around 30 players out of 400 candidates who have been selected to be part of the Saudi national women's team.

"I dream of the day when I can represent my country in the Women's World Cup," she said. She added that she also hopes to play for English team Manchester City at club level.

There is no women's team affiliated with a sports club in Saudi Arabia whose men's team has qualified for the World Cup five times.

During a training session in Riyadh, the women of the national team enthusiastically took to the field at Prince Faisal bin Fahd Stadium, some of them without veils but wearing long tracksuits under their shorts.

Authorities have yet to announce a ban on any sporting clothing for Saudi women, who in the past faced severe scrutiny from religious police for enforcing a strict dress code.

The team's goalkeeper Lama al-Onizhi said he was very happy to be part of the team.

"I fulfilled my dream and even my parents' dream because they encouraged me so much on this journey," the 25-year-old told AFP.

Saudi Arabia has so far set up three training centers for girls aged 13 to 17 across the country, with plans to set up nine by 2025.

It announced this week that Germany's Monica Staub has been appointed head coach of the women's national team, dubbed the "Green Eagles".

"Everything new, like a child walking, begins to stand," said Staub, who won the inaugural UEFA Women's Cup in 2002 as manager of Eintracht Frankfurt.

The Saudi national women's team is currently preparing for their first friendly match in February.

Staub, who has previously coached the national women's teams for Bahrain and Qatar, said she was optimistic.

"In five to eight years, they will be number one in the Gulf and that will be a huge achievement," she said.

Climate change


Emissions Gap Report 2021 shows that new national climate pledges combined with other mitigation measures put the world on track for a global temperature increase of 2.7°C by the end of the century. This is well above the goals of the Paris climate agreement and would lead to catastrophic changes in the Earth's climate. To keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius this century, the Paris Agreement's aspirational goal, the world needs to halve annual greenhouse gas emissions over the next eight years.

If implemented effectively, net-zero emissions pledges could limit warming to 2.2 °C, close to the Paris Agreement target of below 2 °C. However, many national climate plans delay action until after 2030. The report finds that reductions in methane emissions from the fossil fuel, waste and agricultural sectors could help narrow the emissions gap and reduce warming in the short term.

"Climate change is no longer a problem of the future. It is a problem now," said Inger Andersen, executive director of UNEP (UN Environment Programme). “To stand a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, we have eight years to cut greenhouse gas emissions by nearly half: to plan, implement policies, implement them, and ultimately cut Eight years. The clock is ticking hard."

As COP26 delegates conclude talks, we can expect climate action to accelerate in the real economy: at the system level, across countries, across industries and within organizations. However, the net-zero commitments made are holding back the formation of supply chains, market mechanisms, financing models, and other solutions and structures needed to facilitate the world's decarbonization path. For businesses, these conditions will create opportunities to innovate and lead coordinated action by industry peers, value-chain partners, capital providers and policy makers. They also present the additional risk that commodity prices will rise globally.

To have any chance of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C, the world has eight years to take an additional 28 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent (GtCO2e) from annual emissions, which are in the updated NDC and other 2030 commitments. has been promised. To put this number in perspective, carbon dioxide emissions alone are expected to reach 33 gigatons in 2021. When all other greenhouse gases are taken into account, annual emissions are closer to 60 GtCO2e. So, to have a chance of reaching the 1.5°C target, we would have to cut greenhouse gas emissions by almost half. For the 2°C target, the additional requirement is less: a drop in annual emissions of 13 GtCO2e by 2030.

The net-zero commitments made at COP26 came from all stakeholders—governments, financial institutions, companies, multilateral organizations, and others—who must participate to solve systemic problems. For example, the transition to clean shipping would require customers to request the service, shipping companies to invest in ships operating on zero-emissions fuels, fuel producers to make more of those fuels, And banks will need to provide capital for these efforts. And when these activities are coordinated, they change the entire operational context for companies.

COP26 also saw new commitments from groups such as the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ). In many cases, net-zero commitments are being carried out by various global companies ahead of their plans. Relatively few businesses have yet to have a clear, detailed plan for how they will achieve net zero. This is what leaders should now focus on; Investors and regulators expect them to do so. Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak reiterated at COP26 that the Treasury would require UK-listed companies to issue net-zero plans by 2023. It is only a matter of time before regulators and supervisors follow that example.

Financial institutions have been at the forefront of the campaign to cleanse zero, and they continue to advance at COP26. GFANZ brought together more than 450 institutions, representing $130 trillion in financial assets (40 percent of the global total), who pledged to align their portfolios with net-zero goals. Various analysts estimate that a net-zero transition would require $150 trillion in capital expenditure, two-thirds of which would be in developing economies. While there is fair debate about what the GFANZ treaty could mean in terms of capital investment – ​​and that far more capital would be needed – the commitment shows that capital is starting to build up.

The challenge now is to deploy enough capital quickly to achieve net zero. At a systems level, the focus should be on growing the markets and institutions that can invest money in decarbonization and adaptation. This includes expanding voluntary carbon markets, restructuring multilateral development banks, creating platforms for developing countries and futures markets for green goods.

Extreme weather will not be the only climate-related threat to supply chains in the coming years. As demand for materials with lower emissions intensity increases, such as green steel, production capacity may not be growing fast enough to keep pace, at least in the near term.

Companies would like to prepare for tight supply and upward pressure on their costs. Some businesses are closing in on buying contracts for commodities such as Green Steel. It may also be possible to hedge the price difference between conventional materials and zero-emissions options - although this would require trading capabilities that few companies outside the financial sector have.

For manufacturers of steel, cement and other materials, the increasing demand for zero-emissions items constitutes an opportunity, which can be met only if they decarbonise their base of installed assets. Doing so would take significant capital as well as technology and time.

Further warming will have physical consequences, and warming is set to continue. The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that further changes in Earth's systems are off limits, no matter how much warming. What's more, several climate-modeling efforts based on COP26 pledges show that continued warming will raise temperatures by more than 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.


The physical threats posed by climate change have revealed human impacts. For example, in a scenario-based analysis of Race to Resilience, a campaign led by the United Nations High-Level Climate Champions, in a scenario where there is 1.5°C of warming by 2030, nearly half of the world's population is at risk of becoming a climate threat. may come into contact. Relating to heat stress, drought, flood, or water stress. And compared to high-income countries, low-income countries such as Pakistan have larger populations that are likely to be exposed to at least one climate threat.

A recent study on the Climate Risk Country Profile placed Pakistan among the top risk countries in terms of average temperature rise and resultant social and economic losses.

The study noted that Pakistan is facing a significantly higher average temperature increase than the global average, with a potential increase of 1.3°C-4.9°C by the 2090s compared to the 1986-2005 baseline Pakistan has faced some of the highest disaster risk levels, the study said. The world ranks 18th out of 191 countries on the Informed Risk Index 2020

Pakistan is the fifth most climate sensitive country in the world. Between 1998 and 2018, according to the Global Climate Risk Index, climate-related disasters in the country are estimated to have killed about 10,000 people and caused about $4 billion in damages from 152 extreme weather events over that period. Analysts estimate Pakistan's climate migrants at around 30 million people over the past decade.

Despite any debate about whether COP26 was successful, the general direction for countries and businesses has been established. Momentum has shifted towards Net Zero, which gives businesses a new organizing principle.

The transition to net zero will be complicated. The best leaders can expect this to be relatively orderly, and not caused by sudden, unexpected changes.

So courageous leadership will help navigate the transition. Leaders will need to cut down on the noise and articulate a direction for the future, backed by a detailed plan to get there.

Pakistan has a short-term strategy to deal with issues like climate change. Every government wants a policy or a project which can be completed during its tenure. But it will not work in case of environment. There is a need for a policy based on a long-term vision to deal with these issues.

Besides water scarcity and melting glaciers, the monsoon is changing, directly affecting the country's already struggling agricultural output. Pakistan is a multi-threat country in terms of its vulnerability to climate change. Much more needs to be done to protect the environment and local communities from the ravages of climate change.

Pakistan has recently launched an "Eco-systems Restoration Fund" to support nature-based solutions to climate change and facilitate the transition towards environmentally resilient initiatives covering afforestation and biodiversity conservation . Pakistan has officially started the process of creating a National Adaptation Plan to build resilience to climate change. All these efforts should be given top national priority with the ownership of all the key stakeholders. The time to act is now.

Pakistan, IMF reach staff-level agreement for the last time

IMF says Pakistan met all quantitative performance criteria for the end of June, except one, with a wide margin

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has agreed to restart its $6 billion Expanded Funds Facilitation Program for Pakistan, as the two sides finally reached an employee-level agreement.

In a statement issued by the international moneylender on Monday, it said, "The agreement is subject to approval by the Executive Board, in particular after the implementation of prior works on fiscal and institutional reforms."

"Completion of the review will make available SDR 750 million (approximately US$1,059 million), bringing the total disbursements under the EFF to approximately US$3,027 million and helping to unlock significant funding from bilateral and multilateral partners."

The IMF recognized that "despite the difficult environment", Pakistan is making progress on implementing the Extended Funds Facility Programme.

"All quantitative performance criteria (PCs) for the end of June were met with a wide margin, except for the primary budget deficit," the IMF said.

It listed the finalization of the National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) update, the parliamentary adoption of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) Act amendments as "notable achievements" by Pakistani authorities.

The IMF also acknowledged Pakistan's efforts in improving anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism infrastructure.

It also approved Pakistan's decision to pay the first tranche of outstanding dues to independent power producers (IPPs) to unlock the payment of reduced capacity as stipulated in renegotiated power purchase agreements (PPAs).

IMF on the macroeconomic front

The IMF has praised Pakistan's response to the coronavirus pandemic, saying it has helped in controlling the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It also said the Federal Board of Revenue's (FBR) tax revenue collection has been "strong".

The IMF said that Pakistan is bearing the brunt of external pressures in the form of a growing current account deficit and depreciation of the exchange rate.

However, the international moneylender said these were "reflecting the mixed effects of strong economic activity, an expansionary macroeconomic policy mix, and high international commodity prices."

"The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has also taken the right steps by reversing the accommodative monetary policy stance, consolidating certain macroprudential measures to contain consumer credit growth and providing further guidance."

The IMF said that Pakistan shared its plans to introduce a number of fiscal measures to target a small reduction of the primary deficit in relation to the previous fiscal year, with:

(i) High quality revenue measures to make the tax system simple and fair (including adoption of reforms in the GST system)

(ii) Prudential spending restraint, completely protecting social spending.

The IMF said that if Pakistan continues with these fiscal policies, it will help the country to grow at 4% in FY2022 and reach 4.5% in FY2023.

"Although inflation remains high, it should begin to see a declining trend after absorbing the pass-through of the rupee's depreciation and after temporary supply-side constraints and demand-side pressures are eliminated," the IMF said. needed."

The IMF warned that despite some growth in Pakistan's exports, the current account is expected to grow this year. It said this widening of the deficit reflects rising commodity prices across the globe and rising import demand in the country.

IMF on Tax Reforms, Monetary Policy and Power Sector

The IMF said Pakistan would have to continue its efforts to eliminate preferential tax treatment and exemptions, which would ultimately help the country allocate enough resources to spend.

The international moneylender called on Pakistan to ensure that its monetary policy remains focused on curbing inflation, maintaining exchange rate flexibility and strengthening international reserves.

“As economic stability strengthens and the independence of the SBP is strengthened with the ratification of the SBP Act amendments, preliminary work should be done by the central bank to formally adopt an inflation targeting (IT) regime in the medium term.” should pursue, underlined by a forward-looking and interest-rate-focused operational framework," it said.

The IMF said that Pakistan needs additional efforts to strengthen monetary transmission and communication along with modernizing the operational structure of the State Bank.

The IMF said that it is important to bring the power sector to viability and deal with its adverse impact on the budget, financial sector and the real economy.

“In this regard, firm implementation of the Circular Debt Management Plan (CDMP) will help guide planned management reforms, cost reduction, timely alignment.

پاکستان اسٹاک میں مندی:100انڈیکس میں744 پوائنٹس کی کمی


مارکیٹ کے سرمائے میں1کھرب4ارب89کروڑ73لاکھ 96ہزار344روپے کی کمی

 مجموعی طور پر70کمپنیوں کا کاروبار ہوا ،263کے حصص کی قیمتوں میں اضافہ،263 میں کمی

کراچی ( اسٹاف رپورٹر ) پاکستان اسٹاک مارکیٹ کاروباری ہفتہ کے پہلے ہی دن بدترین مندی کی لپیٹ میں آگئی ،کے ایس ای100انڈیکس700پوائنٹس گھٹ گیا جس کی وجہ سے انڈیکس 46ہزار پوائنٹس کی نفسیاتی حد گنوا بیٹھا اور45700پوائنٹس کی پست سطح پر آگیا جبکہ مارکیٹ میں سرمایہ کاروں کو104ارب روپے سے زائد کاخسارہ ہوا جس کے نتیجے میں سرمائے کا مجموعی حجم 79کھرب روپے سے کم ہو کر78کھرب روپے پر آ گیا ۔اسٹاک ماہرین کے مطابق  بینک دولت پاکستان کی جانب سے شرح سود میں1.50فیصد اضافے سے صنعتوں کی مشکلات بڑھنے ،سابق حکومت اور اپوزیشن کے درمیان سابق چیف جسٹس کے حوالے سے تنائو ،ملک میں گیس کے بڑھتے بحران سے سرمایہ کاروں کا اعتماد متزلزل ہو ا، انہوں نے آف لوڈنگ کو ترجیح دی جس کی وجہ سے فروخت کا دبائو بڑھ گیا،ملکی سرمایہ کاروں نے غیر ملکی فروخت کے خدشات کے پیش نظر محتاط رویہ اختیار کیا اور مارکیٹ میں نئی سرمایہ کاری سے ہاتھ روک لیا جس کی وجہ سے مارکیٹ تنزلی کا شکار ہوئی اورمندی کے اثرات کاروبار کے اختتام تک غالب رہے ۔ پاکستان اسٹاک مارکیٹ میںپیر کو کے ایس ای100انڈیکس میں744.41پوائنٹس کی کمی ریکارڈ کی گئی جس کے نتیجے میں انڈیکس46489.41پوائنٹس سے گھٹ کر 45745.00پوائنٹس ہو گیااسی طرح323.78پوائنٹس کی کمی سے کے ایس ای30انڈیکس18037.74پوائنٹس سے کم ہو کر17713.96پوائنٹس پر آگیا جبکہ کے ایس ای آل شیئرز انڈیکس 31728.08پوائنٹس سے گھٹ کر31309.15پوائنٹس پر بند ہوا ۔کاروباری مندی کے سبب مارکیٹ کے سرمائے میں1کھرب4ارب89کروڑ73لاکھ 96ہزار344روپے کی کمی ریکارڈ کی گئی جس کے نتیجے میں سرمائے کا مجموعی حجم 79 کھرب 44ارب 68کروڑ60لاکھ 24ہزار23روپے سے کم ہو کر78کھرب 39ارب78کروڑ86 لاکھ27ہزار679روپے رہ گیا ۔پاکستان اسٹاک مارکیٹ میں پیر کو10ارب روپے مالیت کے26کروڑ19لاکھ1ہزار حصص کے سودے ہوئے جبکہ گذشتہ جمعہ کو11ارب روپے مالیت کے 30کروڑ42لاکھ13ہزار حصص کے سودے ہوئے تھے۔پاکستان اسٹاک مارکیٹ میں پیر کو مجموعی طور پر70کمپنیوں کا کاروبار ہوا جس میں سے263کمپنیوں کے حصص کی قیمتوں میں اضافہ263میں کمی اور11کمپنیوں کے حصص کی قیمتوں میں استحکام رہا۔کاروبار کے لحاظ سے ٹی آر جی پاک لمیٹڈ 2کروڑ23لاکھ ،بائیکو پیٹرولیم 2کروڑ16لاکھ ،ٹی پی ایل پراپرٹیز 1کروڑ58لاکھ ،ٹریٹ کارپوریشن 1کروڑ35لاکھ اور جی 3ٹیکنالوجیز 1کروڑ17لاکھ حصص کے سودوں سے سرفہرست رہے ۔ قیمتوں میں اتار چڑھائوکے اعتبار سے رفحان میظ کے بھائو میں100.00روپے کا اضافہ ہوا جس کے بعداسکے حصص کی قیمت بڑھ کر9600.00روپے ہو گئی اسی طرح83.68روپے کے اضافے سے سیفائر ٹیکساٹئل کے حصص کی قیمت بڑھ کر1199.60روپے پر جا پہنچی جبکہ پاک ٹوبیکو کے حصص کی قیمت میں50.12روپے کی کمی واقع ہوئی جس سے اسکے حصص کی قیمت کم ہو کر1086.53روپے پر آ گئی جبکہ48.97روپے کمی سے سیفائر فائبرکے حصص کی قیمت898.03روپے ہو گئی۔

سندھ کے وسائل سے 100 ایم ایم سی ایف گیس واپس کی جائے، محمد ادریس

صدرکراچی چیمبر آف کامرس کا گیس معطلی کے خلاف عام صنعتوں کے مؤقف کی مکمل حمایت کا اعلان

 صنعتوں کی پیداواری سرگرمیاں بند ہونے سے کاروبار، معیشت اور عام آدمی کو مشکلات کا سامنا کرنا پڑے گا 

کراچی (اسٹاف رپورٹر)کراچی چیمبر آف کامرس اینڈ انڈسٹری (کے سی سی آئی) کے صدر محمد ادریس نے کہا ہے کہ کے سی سی آئی گیس کی عدم فراہمی کے خلاف عام صنعتوں کے احتجاج کی بھرپور حمایت کرتا ہے کیونکہ یہ نہ صرف صنعتوں کی پیداوار کو متاثر کرے گا بلکہ برآمدات پر مبنی صنعتوں پر بھی اس کے شدید اثرات مرتب ہوں گے۔ دونوں ایک دوسرے سے جڑے ہوئے ہیں اور یہی عام صنعتیںہیں جو برآمدی صنعتوں کو خام مال فراہم کرتی ہیں۔ محمد ادریس نے عام صنعتوںکے مالکان کو درپیش مشکلات کو سننے اور کے سی سی آئی سے مدد طلب کرنے پر ہر ممکن تعاون کا یقین دلاتے ہوئے کہاکہ کراچی چیمبر وزارت توانائی سے کوئی مؤثر طریقہ کار وضع کرنے کی درخواست کرے گا جو کراچی کی صنعتوں کو سندھ کے وسائل سے اضافی 10 فیصد گیس کی فراہمی کو یقینی بناسکے جس کے نتیجے میں یقینی طور پر  موسم سرما میں عام اور برآمدی صنعتوں کے چلانے میں آسانی پیدا ہو گی۔انہوں نے کہ ہمیں لگتا ہے کہ اگر سندھ کے وسائل سے ایس این جی پی ایل کو غلطی سے دی گئی 180ایم ایم سی ایف ڈی گیس میں سے صرف 100 ایم ایم سی ایف گیس ہی کراچی کو واپس دے دی جائے تو اس سے صورتحال معمول پر آجائے گی اور یقیناً تمام مسائل حل ہو جائیں گے جو گیس کی عدم دستیابی کی وجہ سے تاجر وصنعتکار برادری کو درپیش ہیں جبکہ بلوچستان میں زیادہ کھپت کی وجہ سے قلت پیدا ہوئی ہے جہاں مجموعی کھپت 40ایم ایم سی ایف سے بڑھ کر 200ایم ایم سی ایف ہو گئی ہے۔انہوں نے اس بات پر زور دیا کہ کے سی سی آئی کی طرف سے پہلے پیش کردہ لوڈ مینجمنٹ پروگرام کو اختیارکیا جا سکتا ہے جس میں یہ تجویز دی گئی تھی کہ صنعتوں کے کیپٹیو پاور پلانٹس کے ذریعے رضاکارانہ طور پر گیس کا استعمال کم کیا جائے گا جن کے پاس کے ای کا کنکشن پہلے سے موجود ہے جبکہ کے الیکٹرک کنکشن نہ رکھنے والوں کو مطلوبہ پریشر اور مقدار کے ساتھ گیس فراہم کی جائے۔انہوں نے دہرایا کہ کراچی چیمبر عام صنعتوں کو گیس کی بلاتعطل فراہمی کے جائز مطالبے کی مکمل حمایت کرتا ہے کیونکہ عام صنعتوں کی پیداواری سرگرمیاں بند ہونے سے نہ صرف کاروبار اور معیشت بلکہ عام آدمی کو بھی گیس کی کمی کی وجہ سے مشکلات کا سامنا کرنا پڑے گا کیونکہ بہت سی ضروری اشیاء جو عام صنعتوں کے ذریعے تیار کی جاتی ہیں اور پورے پاکستان میں مقامی مارکیٹوں میں وسیع پیمانے پر سپلائی کی جاتی ہیں ان کی قلت پیدا ہوگی۔حکومت کو سندھ کے وسائل سے 100 ایم ایم سی ایف ڈی اضافی گیس کراچی کی صنعتوں کو واپس دینے کے امکان پر غور کرنا چاہیے اگر ایسا کیا گیا تو سب کچھ  بہتر ہو جائے گا جس کے نتیجے میں برآمدات پر مبنی اور عام صنعتیں بغیر کسی پریشانی کے کام کرتی رہیں گی۔انہوں نے کہا کہ اس وقت جب شادیوں کا سیزن جاری ہے اور رمضان سے قبل سیزن کی وجہ سے مارکیٹوں میں تیزی ہے جس کی وجہ سے تمام صنعتوں کو گیس کی فراہمی کو اگلے 4 ماہ میں بغیر کسی تعطل کے یقینی بنانا ہوگا تاکہ کاروبار رواں دواں رہ سکیں۔ انہوں نے خبردار کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ کاروبار ابھی توکورونا وبا سے پیدا ہونے والے بحران سے باہر آئے ہیں اور انہیں معمول پر لانے اور بحال کرنے کی بھرپور کوشش جاری ہے لہٰذا اس اہم موڑ پر کوئی بھی بندش صرف دیوالیہ پن اور بڑے پیمانے پر بے روزگاری کا باعث بنے گی لہٰذا حکومت کو کے سی سی آئی کے 100 ایم ایم سی ایف ڈی گیس کراچی کو واپس دینے کے مطالبے پر غور کرنا چاہیے۔

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is also officially called the starting point for Christmas shopping. Because after the loot sale of this day, the traditional Christmas sale starts which continues even after the end of Christmas.

 The fourth Friday in November is called Black Friday in the United States. Or in other words you can call it Black Friday. Black because people line up in front of stores in the middle of the night and wait for the store to open so that they can get what they want at a price they may not get again at that price again throughout the year.

 Economists have suggested that Black Friday, or Black Friday, is the day when merchants' accounts are written in black political ink. In the field of accounts, when business accounts were handwritten (most accounts in Pakistan and most developing countries are still handwritten by doctors), profits were written in black ink while losses were written in red. Was

 The history of Black Friday is not very old. Historians trace its origins back to 1924, when a large chain of household grocery stores in the United States, MC, launched a large parade in New York on Thanksgiving. The parade has been a great excitement every year since then, with millions of people standing on the side of the road and millions watching it on television in their homes. Meanwhile, at some point, "May C" announced a massive sale on the next day of the parade, Friday. Most agree that this was the beginning of Black Friday, and then where were the other stores and merchants lagging behind in the race to make money? It became the biggest day of buying and selling.

 Black Friday is also officially called the starting point for Christmas shopping. Because after the loot sale of this day, the traditional Christmas sale starts which continues even after the end of Christmas. Because most people also have to buy New Year's gifts. The sale does not end on January 1, after which shopkeepers try to sell the raw materials at exorbitant prices, which they could not sell at the Christmas and New Year's sale.

 With the passage of January, the colors of markets and markets begin to fade. Stores are laid off in the days of cell sales, and people are starting to make savings plans in the coming months by putting their purchases in front of them, and then life in the United States seems to return to normal.

 On Black Friday, most stores open at five o'clock, four hours earlier than usual, at nine o'clock in the morning. Many stores even open their doors to consumers before that.

 Most stores also have presents and prizes for some of the first customers. Some stores first offer popular electronics at half price or sometimes pennies to 10 or 15 or more customers. And some famous brands also offer their new products for sale on Black Friday. This is the aspect of Black Friday that draws people to it, and they stand in line hours before the store opens, regardless of the cold or the weather.

 Some items are so appealing to consumers that they line up two or three days in front of stores to buy them. During this time, whether it is raining or snowing or even a storm. There is a chance that someone standing in line will leave his place. To deal with this situation, they bring small tents, raincoats, food and other necessities. Those who stand in long queues are usually not alone but are accompanied by two or three family members to provide them with necessities and comfort. It's not just a purchase, it's a kind of adventure.

 Buying something on Black Friday is nothing short of gambling. After a long struggle, even after entering the store, the period of anxiety does not end, but the patient moments start after that and you find out that the stock of your favorite item has run out or even if you get it. Then a long line awaits you to pay the price.

 For some years now, the Internet has been involved in the Black Friday race. Amazon and many large stores offer a limited number of specialty products for sale on the web. Most people go to their website hours in advance, enter the required information and wait for the bell to ring so that as soon as the two hands of the clock are twelve digits, they click. But what happens is that thousands of people click at once, and their luck is decided by the company's computer, which has neither heart nor emotion inside.

LeBron James fired for 'unnecessary, excessive' contact on Isaiah Stewart

The Lakers star has been dropped for only the second time in his career after a brawl with the Pistons in Sunday's game.

Crew chief Scott Foster said Lakers star LeBron James was ruled out of Sunday's 121-116 win over the Pistons for "unnecessary and excessive over-the-shoulder contact" during a brawl that struck Detroit center Isaiah Stewart. There was blood pouring from the top of the right eye.

Foster said during a postgame, "The initial contact on the free throw was considered a loose ball by Isaiah Stewart and then a dead ball act by LeBron James, considered a flagrant foul penalty 2 for unnecessary and excessive contact over the shoulder." Was." Interview with Athletics James Edwards III.

Ames was kicked out of the game after drawing blood on Stewart's face after he was entangled while boxing for a rebound on Sunday night.

Stewart, who had been called for a foul before James hit him, was also ruled out of the game in the third quarter after two technical fouls were assessed for his role on the field. James was called for a Flagrant 2 foul.

Teammates quickly separated the two, but Stewart became furious as blood started pouring down his face. Attempting repeatedly to get James, Stewart made several technical glitches and later his own disapproval as coach and teammates desperately tried to hold him back.

“Isaiah received two technical mistakes for several inconsistent acts during the brawl,” Foster said.

Officials reviewed the play and its repercussions after a technical evaluation to Lakers guard Russell Westbrook determined he was an "escalator" while pushing, pushing and talking trash.

James was carried off the floor and the fans threw nothing at him as he headed to the team's locker room.

It is only the second career ejection for James in 1,318 career regular-season games. He did not speak to the media after Sunday's game, but teammate Anthony Davis inadvertently defended the strike.

"Everyone in the league knows LeBron isn't a dirty man," said Davis, who scored 30 points with 10 rebounds as the Lakers dismissed the Pistons for 17 following James' dismissal. As he did so, he looked back and said to (Stewart), 'My bad. I didn't try to do that. 'I don't know what (Stewart) tried to do. There was no one in our team of 1-15 years old."

Pistons coach Dwayne Casey said, "(Stewart) was upset. I told him, 'Don't let it define who you are. It doesn't define your game.' I felt for that youngster because he was a Such a competitor and he works very hard.

Stewart broke free more than once and appeared to be running into a tunnel that potentially provided a passage towards the Lakers' bench.

"I don't think James is a dirty player, but Stu cut his eye out," Casey said. "She felt like she was shot cheaply across the browbone. I'm not even sure she knew who hit her."

Earlier this season, Stewart faced former teammate Blake Griffin of the Brooklyn Nets after they were embroiled in a game.

"He just needs to keep his head up and not get a reputation," Casey said.


شیر کی ایک دن کی زندگی گیڈر کی صد سالہ زندگی سے بہتر ہے

  (شیر میسور سلطان ٹیپو ؒ کے  دو سو اکہترویں یوم پیدائش پر تحریر)

امتیاز یٰسین فتح پور

ہندوستان پر بر طانوی تسلط کے خاتمہ،مذہب ،ملت اور آزادی کی خاطرتا دمِ آخر سر بکف رہنے والے فتح علی ٹیپو سلطان جرأت و بہادری،غیرت و حمیت،شجاعت وصلابت،حلیم و حیاء،محبت و شفقت،اور رحم و کرم کے ایسے لاز وال عہد کا نام ہے جسے تاریخ صرفِ نظر کر سکی نہ کھبی فراموش کر پائے گی۔1707میں اورنگ زیب کی وفات کے بعدہندوستان پر مغلیہ خاندان اور فرمانرواؤں کی حکومتی گرفت کمزور ہونے لگی۔1744تا1764تک فرانسیسیوں سے انگریزوں کی کرناٹک کے میدان میں جاری محاز آرائیوں میں کامیابیوں سے مشرقی ہندوستان میں انگریزوں کی طاقت بڑھنے لگی۔ہندوستان میں مغلیہ او راسلامی سلطنت کا سورج غروب ہونے کے بعد برطانوی سامراج اپنے مکمل اقتدار کے غلبہ اور حکومت کی راہ میں اگر کسی کو مزاحم سمجھتے تو وہ جنوبی  ہندوستان میں تین قوتیں نظام،مرہٹے اور سلطان حیدر علی (والد ٹیپو سلطان) تھے۔حیدر علی جذبہ ایمانی اور جرأت و فراست سے انگریزوں کی عملداری اور ریشہ دوانیاں ختم کرنا چاہتے تھے  اس لئے برطانوی سامراج انہیں اپنا زبر دست حریف تصور کرتے تھے۔عظیم سپہ سالار و جرنیل حیدر علی کو اپنے ہاں اولاد نرینہ کی کمی کا احساس انہیں ایک ولی کامل حضرت مستان ٹیپو کی درگاہ تک لے آیا۔اللہ تعالیٰ نے اپنے فقیر کی دعاء کو شرفَ قبولیت بخشتے ہوئے امتِ مسلمہ کی راہنمائی اور اسلام کی ترویج و اسلام کے لئے حیدر علی کے ہاں منگلور (دہلی) کے مقا م پر 20نومبر 1759کو چاند سے بیٹے سے نوازا۔جنہیں دنیا آج شیر میسور کے نام سے جانتی ہے۔عظیم باپ نے بیٹے کی تعلیم و تربیت پر بھر پور توجہ دی اور انہی تربیت کا خاصہ تھاکہ سلطان عملی زندگی میںعالم با عمل ،زیرک و دور اندیش،بہادر ،سیاسی و عسکری قیادت کے طور پر سامنے آئے۔آپ علم و ادب اور ثقافت کے دلدادہ تھے۔آپ کی قابلیت و اہلیت جانچتے ہوئے حیدر علی نے آپ کو صرف سترہ سال کی عمر ہی میں ریاست کے سفارتی و فوجی امور کا اختیار سونپ دیا تھا۔وہ ریاست کے اندرونی بد خواہوں(نظام،مرہٹے)اور بیرونی مخالفوںانگریزوں کے مقابلے میں اپنے باپ کے دستِ راست سمجھے جاتے تھے،انہوں نے ریاست میسور کے ساتھ انگریزوں کی جنگ 1767تا1769کم عمری میں دفاعی و عسکری امور کی قیادت کی اور بہادری کے جوہر دکھاتے ہوئے کارہائے نمایاں سر انجام دئیے۔جنگی میدان میں انگریزی افواج کو رگیدتے اور ناکوں چنے چبواتے ہوئے انہیں مدراس کے قلعہ تک پہنچا کر ذلت انگیز شکست سے دوچار کر دیا۔انہوں نے عالمی طاقتوں میں ریاست میسور کو جنوبی بھارت کی ایک ناقابلِ تسخیر قوت اور خود کوطاقت ور و کامیاب ریاست کے حکمران کے طور پر منوایا۔سلطان ٹیپوؒ اپنے باپ کی وفات کے بعد چوبیس دسمبر1782کومیسور کی حکمرانی پر مسند نشیں ہوئے۔اقتدار سنبھالتے ہی انہوں نے بہت سی تعمیری ،اصلاحی، معاشی،دفاعی اصلاحات کیںا ور معاملات درست کئے۔انہوں نے اپنی سلطنت کو مملکتِ خدا داد کا نام دیا۔آپ ؒ نے سوچا کہ برِصغیر کے لوگوں کا پہلا مسئلہ ملک سے برطانوی اخراج ہے۔ اس لئے انہوں نے اسلحہ سازی ،فوجی نظم و نسق اور دفاعی اصلاحات میں تاریخ ساز کام کیا۔۔وہ مرد، مجاہد اور مردِ میداں تھا۔فنوں سپہ گری کے ماہر ،حسنِ وتدبر،جاہت ورعب ا ور جنگی مہارت کے تذکرے آپ ؒ کے دشمن بھی کرتے۔با ہمت و حوصلہ مند  مسلمان تھے۔آپؒ بھارت میں پہلے راکٹ سازی کے موجد مانے جاتے ہیں،سرنگا پٹم کی عظیم تاریخی مسجدِ اعلیٰ کی تعمیر کا سہرا آپؒ کے سر ہے۔ان کی کامیاب اور سحر انگیز مہمات میں لوگوں کو معجزات کا گماں ہونے لگتا۔شرعی عدالتوں کا قیام اور غیر اخلاقی و غیر شرعی،معیوب رسومات کا خاتمہ اور منشیات کو ممنوع قرار دیا۔ ٹیپو سلطانؒ نے اپنے باپ کی طرح برِ صغیر کے عوام کو غیر ملکی تسلط سے نجات دلانے کے لئے سنجیدہ و عملی اقدامات کئے۔ انگریزی سامراج کو ٹف ٹائم دیا۔ اور مضبوط مزاحم برقرار رکھی۔میسور کے آخری معرکے میں آپ کے جرنیلوں ننگِ وطن،ننگِ دیں میر جعفر،میر صادق کی غداری سے جب آپ کے قلعہ سرنگا پٹم کے داوازے کھول دئئے گئے اور اسلحہ بارود کو آگ لگا دی گئی ۔ اپنے ساتھیوں کی کمزور ہوتی مزاحمت دیکھی تو چشم، فلک نے دیکھا کہ ریاست کا حکمران خود تلوار لیکر اپنے وفادار ساتھیوں کے ساتھ جنگ کے کارزار میں مکار دشمن کے خلاف نبرد آزما ہے۔شکست کے واضح آثار میں فرانسیسی افیسر نے آپ ؒ کو جان بچا کر بھاگ جانے کا مشورہ دیا۔مگر آپ کے خون میں یہ شامل تھا نہ غیرت کو گوارا۔اس نے شکست تسلیم کر کے سرنڈر کرنے کی ہزیمت ،بزدلی دکھانے او بزدلی    کے داغ کی بجائے اخلاقی طور پر ایک فاتح کی حثیت سے جان دینے کو ترجیح دی۔ اس موقع پر آپؒ نے شہرہ آفاق اور تا ریخی ٰ جملہ کہا ’’گیدڑ کی صد سالہ زندگی سے شیر کی ایک دن کی زندگی بہتر ہے‘‘ آپ انگریزی فوج کے خلاف اپنے ساتھیوں کے ساتھ لڑتے رہنے کے دوران 4مئی1799کو جامِ شہادت نوش کر گئے۔آپ ساتھیوں کے ساتھ زخمی حالت میں میدان جنگ میں پڑے تھے تو ایک انگریزی سپاہی نے قریب آ کر طنزیہ جملہ کہا تو آپ نے تلوار کا وار کر کے اسے ڈھیر کر دیا پھر آپ کی شہادت کے کئی منٹوں بعد تک برطانوی افواج کو آپ کے قریب آنے کی ہمت نہ ہوئی۔مرنے کے بعد آپ کی تلوار آپ کے ہاتھوں میں مضبوطی سے جکھڑی ہوئی تھی۔شہادت کے وقت سلطان کی عمر پچاس سال تھی۔اس مردِ میدان نے اپنی زندگی کے پینتیس سال ہندوستان کو غلامی کی زنجیروں جھکڑنے والے غیر ملکی طاغوتی قوتوں اور برطانوی سامراج کے خلاف بر سرَ پیکار رہنے میں گذاری۔اپنے عہد کے ناساز حالات میں ٹیپو ؒ کی اصلاحات اور کارناموں سے ان کا موازنہ مشرق میں صلاح الدین ایوبیؒ اور مغرب میں نپولین بونا پارٹ سے کیا جائے تو بے جا نہ ہو گا۔14اگست 1947میں پاکستان کا قیام در اصل ٹیپو سلطانؒ کی کاوشوں و مقاصد کا ہی تسلسل ہے جن کی شہادت نے انگیزوں کو پیغام دیا تھا میرے بعد تم زیادہ دیر یہاں قدم جما نہ سکو گے۔ آج اس مرد ِمجاہدکادو سو اکہترواں یومِولادت ہے۔ 

The Universe Space Journey from Earth to Moon

 With numerous states, billions of people, faiths and ideologies the Earth actually is very small.

Smaller th

Space Journey from Earth to Moon in Urdu | Faisal Warraich

an any guess.
We are taking you to the journey of the vastness of the Universe.
As we distance from the Earth and the Solar System, our journey will go on disappearing into the past.
We will take you to that point of the Earth and the skies where this entire game had begun.
We will find many points on the way the most of us perhaps never have imaged of.
We will find out whether our lookalikes exist anywhere in the Universe.
In this journey we will also meet those at millions miles away from us but speaks our languages.
Yes, really you will see it speaking our languages.
Because it falls in this very journey of ours.
In this journey will also see the planets they may be our future dwelling.
I am Faisal Warraich and 'Dekho, Suno, Jano' has brought a brand new series 'the Whole Universe.'
You will have the first flight with us today on this fabulous journey.
Our journey will start from our first station 0.384million kms away.
Because it the nearest place we can land on.
It is the Moon.
It is the nearest heavenly body to the Earth.
So near that a spacecraft can take us there in 3/4 days.
But so distant that all planets, the Earth and the Moon can be accommodated in this gap.
As many as 30 earths can be put in this distance.
This round shaped stone has been the most beautiful dream of man over the millions of years.
In our childhood an old-lady on the Moon was weaving on a spindle.
But no old-lady was found when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon on July 24,1979.
Rather the following six missions to the Moon also did not find any.
Thus science took away from us a beautiful story of the ancient times.
Japanese had a story in the curriculum of school children till the last century.
That a weak and old man wrapped in a sheet was burning woods in a jungle.
He spotted something in the bushes.
Here a jackal, a rabbit and a monkey were playing together.
Something struck in the mind of the old man so he called them for fetching anything to eat.
Or he would die without food.
The monkey jumped to a stream and brought a fish.
The silly and lazy jackal just caught a lizard and put it before the old man.
The rabbit had the worst as he failed to get anything to feed the hungry man.
But showing extreme humbleness, the rabbit presented itself to the old man to eat.
The rabbit said," O good old man I got nothing so you eat me to satisfy your hunger."
So the rabbit jumped into fire.
The old man removed the sheet on his body as soon as the rabbit jumped.
He at once took the rabbit out of fire and said, he was not helpless and hungry but Saka; the god of the skies.
In this jungle he was moving in disguise to test the people on the Earth.
It goes that Saka affixed the image of rabbit on the Moon to reward it for its sacrifice.
So that it remains an example of virtue till end of the world.
This and like the stories were popular all over the world.
Even to-date the people shy of research and investigation believe in such tales.
Still a large number of people imagines face of the Moon as per its choice.
But what image is this in fact?
It not an image at all.
Factually it is lava and ashes spread all over the Moon.
The team of Neil Armstrong 50 years ago had in fact brought pieces of the same lava from the Moon.
Research on the lave revealed the eruption of countless volcanoes on he Moon 3.5 billion years ago
Their lava spread to thousands of miles.
The congealed lava appears like spots from the Earth.
Scientists called it Seas of the Moon or Maria.
They have named every Sea.
Like Sea of Knowledge, Sea of Crises, Sea of Cold, etc.
The area of black marks that is much brighter on the Moon may be called deserts.
This in fact is the ashes that explosion of lava produced and fell on the hills like snow.
When the Sun light sheds on the ashes they reflect and illuminate to every direction.
Neil Armstrong also happened to land on the same soft ashes on the Moon.
That is why his footprint was so clear and deep.
Man had landed on the Moon half a century ago.
Bu his footprints on the Moon are intact todate.
They appear printed just a day ago.
Do you know, why it is so?
The reason being the absence of air, cloud and rain on the Moon.
Because the Moon does not have circle of air and gases as we have on the Earth.
Which means the Moon does not have the atmosphere.
For that matter, the human footprint on the Moon will stay intact for millions or billions of years.
But the question is whether humanity will be present anywhere in this present form by that time.
Or the evolutionary process would have given it another shape.
It may also be possible the warrior temperament of man had ended the humanity.
One thing was certain whether man existed or not, his footprints would stay on the Moon for countless ages.
But it was not only the footprints of Neil Armstrong that would remain on the Moon for good.
Here the prints of another 12 astronauts would also stay intact.
They had landed on the Moon after Apollo XI through Apollo XII, XIII, XIV, XVI and XVII.
The Moon also bears the prints of golfier Shephard's smashes when had played the golf on the lunar surface.
The Moon will also bear the prints of Lunar vehicles for innumerable ages.
But a name also goes with them all.
Well dear, did you know a person had printed the name of a beautiful girl on the Moon surface.
In fictions lovers promise their beloved of fetching moon and stars which actually is not possible.
But here is a man who promised his daughter of writing her name on the Moon.
And he made good his promise.
Yes, this man was Eugene Cernan, commander of the Apollo 17 mission.
He stayed at the Moon for 3 days in 1972 and on return he did a weird act
He leaned down and wrote 'Tracy' the name of his daughter on the bright land of the Moon.
It was an everlasting gift to his daughter.
He was certainly quite happy over it.
But it also had a mellow grief.
Till death he regretted for not taking the picture of Tracy's name on the Moon surface.
When the camera was available and video recording was also on.
Apollo XVII was the last mission Eugene took to the Moon.
After that no man had landed on the Moon.
This picture of the Earth is credited as the most beautiful taken from the Moon on return of the mission.
The first man on the Moon Neil Armstrong and the last one Eugene Sernan are no more.
But the history is going to take a big turn.
Man is once again preparing to reach and set up a permanent station at the Moon.
It may be a reality within next 10 to 15 years.
And also see its advantages.
Because a permanent base on the Moon would mean research for taking advantage of the lunar resources.
However it is a matter of time but at present we can see only one beautiful side of the Moon.
Yes only one side.
Truly reply, how many of us think why over the millions of years only one side of the Moon has been watchable?
Why the Full Moon is always the same?
Specked and bright while big marks are also always the same.
The reason the Moon not only moves around the world also revolves on its axis.
It takes equal time in completing one round of the Earth and moving on its axis.
That is why man on the Earth cannot see the other side of the Moon.
This process is called 'face lock.'
But the man has made much progress.
He has also traced out the second side of the Moon.
Man has pictured the second side called "far side of Moon" years ago which we seen at massive scale.
Now a robotic mission of China has also landed on the other side of the Moon.
Till uploading of this video it had conducted different experiments on the Moon.
Possibly man can get further information regarding creation of the Earth and the Moon.
But so far we have learnt that the other side of the Moon is extremely beautiful and bright.
Because here the black spots much less in number.
Had the poets seen the second side, they would have imagined their beloved in that context.
Possibly our love with the Moon has a scientific history.
Because the Moon has once been part of our Earth.
And that part was separated from the Earth some 4.5billion years ago due to impact of a huge meteor.
And according to the universal law of gravitation it began to move around the bigger body, the Earth.
And with the passage of time it is also gradually moving away.
The process is continuing todate.
The Moon is distancing from the Earth by 3.8 centimeters every year.
But hold on for a moment and ask how do we know this fact?
The first two astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin did a last job before return to the Earth from the Moon.
They did what proved human foot on the Moon.
They placed a retro-reflector on the Moon sand (ashes).
It was a mirror that reflected the laser light from the Earth back to it.
It was like, you shed light on a mirror or a wall that reflects back to you.
But they were not the only astronauts who installed reflector on the Moon.
But the like reflectors were also installed at different points by the astronauts of other two missions.
The reflectors are still there helping us to know how distant is the Moon from us.
They also helped us know the Moon is distancing from us 3.8 cms every year.
The Moon will not be sighted after 50 billion years if it went on distancing at this ratio.
But don't worry 45 billion years before that the Sun would also become chill after completing its age.
And the Earth will also become an untold and unheard tale by that time.
If the human race does not want to meet that situation, it needs to learn living in any other planet or the space.
That too with love, since Love conquers all.
Let move ahead to the Sun.
It goes that the Sun will rise from the West before the Doomsday.
But between the Sun and us, a land exists where everyday is a Doomsday.
Yes we are leading you to that place where the Sun daily rises in the West.
We will also show you the tale of this station, but in the next episode of the Whole Universe.







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