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Tory colleague Michelle Monae accused of sending racist and derogatory messages


Exclusive: Mone is accused of calling man of Indian heritage 'a 

waste of a man's fair skin' in WhatsApp exchange

 Conservative colleague Michelle Monae has been accused of sending racist messages to a man of Indian heritage who, in an official complaint, alleged that he told her he was "a waste of a man's fair skin".

The phrase was reportedly used in a WhatsApp message sent by a Tory member of the House of Lords in June 2019 during a disagreement following a fatal boat accident off the coast of Monaco.

The message was part of a series of WhatsApp exchanges, screenshots of which have been sent to the Commissioner for Standards of the House of Lords, as part of a complaint accusing Lady Monae of sending racist and derogatory messages.

The Guardian has seen complaints and screenshots of the exchanges, in which Monáe makes derogatory remarks about the male's partner's mental health, describing him as a "psychic lunatic" and a "nut case bird". The commissioner replied that he was unable to investigate Monáe because messages were not sent during his parliamentary duties.

Contacted by the Guardian, a representative for Tory Peer initially said: "Baroness Monáe is not 100% racist. Baroness Monáe and her husband have built over 15 schools in Africa over the past three years."

Her lawyers later made another statement in which they said Monáe had "no access" to the messages and "no detailed memory of her".

"She is unwilling to comment on the messages until their authenticity has been confirmed, but Baroness Monáe, in any event, very strongly denies that she is a racist, a sexist or those There is a lack of respect for people who are actually suffering with mental health difficulties."

The statement added that it was "as illogical as it is unimaginable that she could have made such remarks or with the slightest racist intent" because, at the time, she had no knowledge that the complainant was "its was anything other than "British white, as his appearance is 100% white, with a cut-glass English accent".

Monáe was appointed to the House of Lords by David Cameron in 2015, a year after selling an 80% stake in his Ultimo lingerie company. He was then selected to lead a government review on entrepreneurship. The then Secretary of Work and Pensions, Ian Duncan Smith, said at the time: "No one is better qualified to help young entrepreneurs from disadvantaged backgrounds turn a good idea into a flourishing business."

In separate correspondence, his lawyers also stated that his client at the time believed that the man had "no trace of a non-white complexion or any characteristic" that would suggest that he "100% white and British" was not.

The ferry crash occurred in late May 2019, at the end of the day when Monae and her husband, Isle of Man-based businessman Douglas Barrowman, spent their boat socializing with friends and guests who had arrived on another yacht. As his friend's yacht was on its way back to shore in Monaco, it collided with Barrowman and a crew member was killed.

In the weeks following the collision, Mone appears to be embroiled in a disagreement on WhatsApp with the man of Indian heritage, who describes his appearance as brown-skinned, who was a guest on another boat with his partner.

According to the complaint, on June 13, 2019, Mone used a WhatsApp group to question whether the man's partner was actually psychologically harmed after the accident, claiming that he was "only a few days later "It was a party.

The man replied that his partner was seriously traumatized by the ferry incident, adding: "I'd love you to take the crap back."

According to the complaint and WhatsApp screenshot, the Tory coworker then said: "OMG what the fuck!! You're talking to me, a smart, bright person who doesn't get into your bullshit! Actually my bullshit detector is on you from day one." tha. you and your girlfriend's psychic are falling apart like crazy man!…you need to get a hold and have respect for a killed guy!!!Funny how your crazy girlfriend has all now Photos have been removed, don't worry I have screenshots of the dates and times. 48 hours after the man was murdered. Your [sic] one less life, a waste of a man [sic] fair skin so don't give us your lie. Yours [sic] a total disgrace."

She continued: "You now deal with police inquiries including your nut case bird."

The man immediately sent a reply in which he said: "A waste of a white man's skin? Didn't know you were a racist, Michelle. Fifteen minutes later, Mone said: "Your [sic] is blocked and take your mental case to the police station."

Responding to questions from the Guardian, Mone's lawyers also questioned the intentions of the complainant, a financial advisor who worked for Barrowman for some time. Trying to cast doubt on the authenticity of the messages, he suggested that they were "written in a frantic manner with someone with coherence issues in mind, rather than a well-educated and articulate Baroness".

The complainant, who did not wish to be named, made a complaint in August 2021 to the Lord's commissioner for standards Martin Jelly. The document alleges that Monáe's conduct in WhatsApp messages tantamounts to bullying and harassment, arguing that the messages were "abusive and racist towards her" and "abusive and degrading" towards her partner's mental health.

Jelly replied that he could not investigate because the Lord's Code of Conduct, which contained the "Nolan Principles" for people in public life, applied only to members "in the course of their parliamentary duties and activities".

The commissioner informed Mone that a complaint had been made, but it would not go ahead. When contacted by the Guardian, Jelly said the Lord's Code prevented him from confirming or denying information about the complaint.

Covid Scotland: Who can get booster jabs and how to book?

The booster vaccine will be offered to all adults in Scotland following the advice of JCVI.

The Scottish Government confirmed the news amid a search for a new Omicron version, whose cases were first identified in Scotland on Monday 29 November.

But how can you book your booster pocket in Scotland?

Here is everything you need to know.

Who can get booster pockets in Scotland?

All adults in Scotland will be offered the booster vaccine as advised by JCVI, as the third vaccine has significantly improved protection against serious infections.

The purpose of booster jabs is to prevent a possible wave of infection caused by the omicron variant.

So far, all people aged 40 and over and medically weak have been invited to book their booster jobs in Scotland.

But soon, everyone over the age of 18 will be able to book a booster pocket.

This third dose will be given at least three months after the second dose of the vaccine.

As per the advice of JCVI, the time limit between second vaccine and booster jab has been reduced from six months to three.

How do I book my booster pocket?

You can book your booster pocket through the vaccine portal on the NHS Inform Scotland website.

Currently, people 40 years of age and older can book their covid vaccine through the NHS portal here.

Meanwhile, more information is expected in the coming days that people aged 18+ will be able to book booster pockets.

Following the publication of the advice from JCVI, Chief Medical Officer Gregor Smith said: "We welcome further advice from JCVI on the Kovid-19 vaccination program and confirm that Scotland has begun work on its implementation, including It also includes recommendations that boosters should now be given to all adults at least three months after the second dose. "

Tiger Woods hopes to play golf again, but says return to top is not a 'realistic expectation'

Tiger Woods says he hopes to play golf again, just not very often, and doesn't see himself reaching the top of the game again because "I don't think that's a real expectation from me."

He says he can see himself picking a few tournaments to play in, but not full-time programmes.

His extensive video interview with Golf Digest, with which he has a financial relationship, was published Monday ahead of his first press conference since his right leg was badly damaged in February. 23 car accident in Los Angeles suburb.

Woods is the tournament host for the Hero World Challenge.

The 15-time major champion raised hopes of another comeback when Woods posted a three-second video of him hitting a small barbell with the message "making progress."

It didn't sound like a comeback was just around the corner.

"I have yet to go," he said. "I'm not even halfway there. I have so much more muscle growth and nerve development that I have to do in my leg. At the same time, as you know, I've had five previous operations. So I'm having to deal with it." So as the leg gets stronger, sometimes the back can lift up."

Woods was recovering from another back procedure earlier in the year when he drove his SUV over a median and it hit a steep hill on a winding, sweeping road en route to a television shoot at a golf course in a Los Angeles suburb. fell down from ,

Doctors said he shattered the bones of the tibia and fibula in his right leg in several places. He was immobilized by a rod in the tibia. A combination of screws and pins was used to immobilize additional injuries to the ankle and foot.

He last played in the PNC Championship with his son Charlie, and was followed by a fifth back procedure that kept him out of the early part of the year before the accident.

Woods has already made a remarkable comeback, winning the Masters in 2019 after fusion surgery, his fourth on his lower back. He later won the Zozo Championship in Japan for his 82nd career win on the PGA Tour, tying Sam Snead for the all-time record.

"I don't have to compete and play against the best players in the world to live a great life. After my back fusion, I had to climb Mt. Everest one more time. I had to do it, and I did. This Bar, I don't think I'll have the body to climb Mt. Everest, and that's fine. I can still participate in a game of golf. I still can, if my foot recovers, Even then I can click on a tournament here or there.

"But as far as climbing the mountain again and reaching the top, I don't think that's a real expectation from me."

Woods is to be inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in March. The Masters is the first full week of April. Woods had no timetable, only that the recovery was proceeding faster than he wished.

He said that he can imagine a career like Ben Hogan after his fatal car accident. Hogan played a limited program, although he still dominated the majors, winning all three he played in 1953.

"I think something that's realistic is playing on tour one day - never full time again - but pick and choose just like Mr. Hogan did. Pick and choose a few events a year and you play around that. are,” he said.

"I guess I'll have to play it that way from now on," he said. "It's an unfortunate reality, but it's my reality. And I understand it, and I accept it."

Peruvian mummy that is at least 800 years old, archaeologists find in Lima

Archaeologists in Peru have unearthed a mummy between 800 and 1,200 years old at a site near the country's capital, Lima.

Researchers from the National University of San Marcos found the preserved body underground in the middle of a town square at the archeological site of Cajamarquilla, about 25 kilometers inland from Lima.

The mummy was tied with ropes and her hands covered her face in what researchers say is a funeral in southern Peru. The age of the mummy means that it dates back to pre-Hispanic times, and even predates the Inca civilization, which founded the most famous citadel of Machu Picchu, Peru, in the 15th century.

"The discovery of this inhabitant sheds a new light on interactions and relationships in pre-Hispanic times," said Peter Van Delen Luna, one of the archaeologists who led the excavations.

He told HM News that the mummy was probably a young man between the ages of 25 and 30 who had come from the mountains to Cajamarquilla, a bustling commercial center in the pre-Columbian era.

Excavation work began in mid-October with a team of 40 people led by van Delon Luna and fellow archaeologist Yomira Huaman Santillon, and the discovery came as a surprise because they were not searching for a mummy.

"The whole team was really happy because we didn't think that was going to happen," Huaman told HM News. "We didn't expect to make such an important discovery."

Another unexpected discovery were several marine mollusks outside the mummy's grave, which Van Delen Luna said is unusual because Cajamarquilla is about 25 kilometers from the coast.

"After the body is placed in the tomb, there are constant incidents and activities," said van Dalen Luna. "That is, their descendants keep coming back for many years and placing food and offerings there, including mollusks."

Lama bones were also found outside the tomb, and Van Dalen Luna states that it was commonly eaten by the people of the time and therefore pieces of lama's meat would have been offered to the deceased.

The circumstances of the discovery led the researchers to conclude that it was not an ordinary citizen, but an important figure in contemporary society.

"The fact of finding a mummy with these characteristics in the middle of the plaza makes it clear that it is a person of high status," Van Delen Luna said, adding that, among other options, the person in question could have been a prominent trader.

The team will now conduct more specific analysis, including carbon dating, that will allow them to deduce the length of time during which the individual lived and give more information about their identity.

Several mummies have previously been found in Peru and neighboring Chile, many of which are over 1,000 years old.

What is the truth about Kate Middleton's violence and publishing her photos at public transport stations?

Kensington Palace was unaware of the use of the Duchess' portrait as part of a campaign against violence against women

Shocking photos of the Duchess of Cambridge and a group of women politicians have been published as victims of domestic violence across Europe as part of a campaign to end violence against women, and the shocking photos show Kate Middleton's manipulated face covered in cuts and bruises without the royal palace's permission.

The pictures were published in bus stations and buildings in Milan and the southern Spanish coastal town of Los Alcazares, according to the British newspaper, "Daily Mail".

Other notable female images used in the campaign include US Vice President Kamala Harris, Queen Letizia of Spain and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

He wrote on the pictures in large letters in red and white next to each picture stating the following: "I reported him" but no one believed her, she was left alone and was not protected and he did not stop .. But she was killed anyway.

It was clear that the pictures were meant to shock rather than real.

Italian artist and activist Alexandro Palumbo, who edited the photos, said he wanted to "draw attention to the bad reactions from politicians regarding the problem of violence against women" and stress the "ineffectiveness of the support and protection system for victims".

Kensington Palace was not aware of the use of the Duchess's photo as part of the campaign, according to The Sun, but some social media comments criticized the photos and said: "You're not funny," while one said: "Don't use pictures of women who haven't given you permission."

Self-repairing buildings and removing pollution 'living ink'

Boston: Living ink containing a variety of bacteria can be used to build buildings that not only reduce harmful germs and gases, but also reduce building damage.

Avinash Baswana of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) says that conscious ink of its kind reacts to the environment. The bacterial web on them absorbs toxic compounds. However, the combination of genetically modified E. coli bacteria can create a living structure that can eliminate toxic compounds or release the cancer drug Izurin. If left untreated, they cut down on toxins bisphenol A, a common toxin found in plastics that can cause cancer and infertility.

But large-scale production of this ink still seems impossible. But it can also keep buildings clean and free of harmful gases. In the future, self-correcting paint could make the building new for decades.

Experts have made this ink from a special protein polymer called curly nanofiber in which nanofibers are made from modified E. coli bacteria. Due to their opposite charge, they can join together and form a long sheet. Spacecraft made of such materials can automatically repair their debris over long distances.

Interestingly, the modified E. coli made a liquid-filled gel that absorbed 30% of the contaminated and toxic compounds from one gel in 24 hours. Another important point is that after being applied to a building, the usefulness of the bacteria can be maintained for many years.

After her separation and her daughter's decision... Ilham Al-Fadala receives a new shock


Actress Ilham Al-Fadala topped the search engines after news of her ex-husband, journalist Khalil Al-Tamimi's marriage, in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

The pioneers of social networking sites circulated a video clip showing Al-Tamimi with his friends joking about the comfort of marriage, but one of his friends said that he was engaged today.

The truth about the marriage of Ilham Al-Fadala free

The ex-husband of the Kuwaiti artist went out, to deny the circulating news and confirm that it was rumors, and described his friend's speech as a lie.

Al-Tamimi's separation from Al-Fadala witnessed many crises and conflicting statements between the two, in addition to disagreement about the destination of the children's residence.

Their daughter, Nour, preferred to be with her father, and even appeared with him in one of the video clips, asking him to marry again, which the father refused.

Crises began to haunt Ilham Al-Fadala since her husband from Kuwaiti actor Shehab Jawhar, when she came out in statements to attack her ex-husband after her daughter left her.

And she continued to appear on social media platforms with a series of videos commenting on her daughter's decision, during which she said: "Houses are secrets and restrictions are what pushed my daughter to live with her father."

She added, "My husband, Shehab Gohar, has no influence in my daughter's decision and his preference to live away from me."

He concluded his speech: “A child whose mind is immature, and the child, when you tell me, come, let us ask you like this, and light my daughter in the month of 5. She completed 12 years, and I have a girl of this age cut off from the social media in order to live a normal life, and no one loves to know that this is the daughter of Ilham Al-Fadala, so I let them live a normal life. And the dawn of those who watch her on the street do not know her by her soul, because she is my daughter, except for the time when she is beside me."

Ilham Al-Fadala is one of the most famous Kuwaiti actresses and has been in the art scene since her childhood and participated in many distinguished works, foremost of which is the Black and White Family series and the theatrical show At the Door, Ya Shabab.

Al-Fadala's personal life is characterized by many details and exciting events. Her paternal sister is the 35-year-old artist, Rima Al-Fadala, who has appeared in a number of works such as The Lady of the House, Ink Al-Oyoun and a special case.

Ilham Al-Fadala began her married life at the age of 16, from a Kuwaiti in Saudi Arabia, and gave birth to her first daughter, Mona, before she separated and remarried in 2003 to director and journalist Khalil Al-Tamimi.

CHP's Imranlı Mayor Murat Açıl passed away

Murat Açıl, the mayor who was injured in a traffic accident in the İmranlı district of Sivas, could not be saved. The sad news was announced by the Governor of Sivas, Salih Ayhan. After the news of his death was heard, condolence messages came one after another from the CHP wing.

As a result of the collision of a light commercial vehicle and a car in Sivas, 4 people, including İmranlı Mayor Murat Açıl, were injured. 

The injured, including İmranlı Mayor Açıl, were transferred to the surrounding hospitals. Açıl, who was taken to the hospital after the accident, died.

Açıl was a CHP candidate in the local elections in March 2019 and was elected mayor with 38 percent of the votes. He was married and had 4 children.


Governor Salih Ayhan, who went to İmranlı State Hospital after the accident, announced the sad news to the people of the district gathered in front of the building.

Governor Ayhan made a statement here,"We are very sad today, we are sad. We received an accident report around 12:00. It is an incident involving 8 people, including our brother, Mayor Murat Açıl, who went to İmranlı. As of now, it is not easy to convey this information. We are very sad. We unfortunately lost Mr. Murat Açıl. All of our doctors. Unfortunately, he could not be saved. His heart stops at the time of the incident. Our friends intervene at the scene of the accident, they return him, but his heart stops again in the hospital. Our healthcare professionals tried their best, but unfortunately we lost. All 7 people in the other vehicle were transferred to Sivas. 7 people from the same family "There, too, the condition of the 2 injured people is serious. They are also being followed closely. We do not know what the neglect situation is in the accident. Our prosecutors are conducting a judicial investigation. I love all Sivas" people, the people of the condolences" said.


It was reported that the treatment of Bekir Demir, the driver of the other vehicle from the same family, and Mehmet, Tuğba, Eyüp, İsmail, Yaren Su and Eslem Demir in the hospitals continued. The condition of two of the injured was stated to be critical.


After the sad news was heard, condolence messages came one after another from the CHP wing.

CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who shared a post on his social media account, said , "Our pain is great! I wish God's mercy on our Mayor of Imran, Murat Açıl, who passed away as a result of a traffic accident. Our condolences!" used the phrases.

Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, said in a post on Twitter, "I wish God's mercy to our Mayor of Sivas İmranlı, Murat Açıl, who died as a result of a traffic accident, and a speedy recovery to the injured .

Spider-Man Massacre Goes on Sale as No Way Home Ticket and Lists on eBay for $25,000

Marvel fans hoping to secure tickets to see Spider-Man: No Way Home have hit a rough patch.

Tickets went on sale in the early hours of Monday (29 November), although cinema websites in both the UK and US crashed due to demand.

While waiting for tickets to become available, many fans tweeted their dismay and disappointment at the long wait times that led to them failing to buy what they wanted.

Shortly after tickets went on sale, they were soon listed on eBay for prices ranging from $200 (£150) to $25,000 (£18.7,000).

The New Jersey-based user who listed tickets for the latter price was offering an undisclosed number of tickets, and wrote at the bottom: "If you know then you know."

Another user listed five tickets for $14,200.69, telling bidders: "Price is not negotiable."

A ticket to see Spider-Man: No Way Home in the cinema costs between $10 (£7.50) and $20 (£15).'s Brandon Davis shared a screenshot of a listing, many criticized the seller.

“Imagine the person who thinks of a ticket for a movie that will be easily available in a day or two,” said one, “that is an abuse and seems illegal.”

One fan decided to "just watch it on Disney Plus in a few months", although a fellow Marvel lover pointed out that this could prove difficult as the film is a joint production with Sony.

There is particular excitement for Tom Holland's third standalone film due to the return of many characters from previous non-Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Spider-Man films.

This will be due to the Multiverse, a series of alternate worlds with a wide variety of characters, dead and alive.

It is known that villains including Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina), Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe) and Electro (Jamie Foxx) will return. Many fans are convinced that former Spider-Man stars Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield will also appear in some capacity.

At least two people have died in Britain's first winter storm.

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LONDON - At least two people have died in Britain after the country's first winter storm gusted to nearly 100 mph (160 kph).

The storm, which was named Arwen by the country's Met Office, hit parts of the north of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland particularly hard, causing road closures, train delays, power cuts and high waves.

Cumbria police in north-west England said a man had died after a tree fell on him just before 11 p.m. on Friday. A man has died after being hit by a car after falling trees in Northern Ireland.

Although the worst of the storm has passed, people have been advised to be cautious about traveling on Saturday, as the train network still reported disruptions in services amid strong winds and heavy snow.

"Hurricane Arwen has delivered some dangerous strong winds throughout the night, with gusts of over 90 mph," said Steve Ramsdale, the Met Office's chief meteorologist. "Strong winds will blow south across the UK throughout the day, weakening gradually."

Chanel death: Priti Patel not invited for meeting with France


 The French government has withdrawn an invitation to the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, to attend a meeting about the Channel boat crisis, after Boris Johnson called on France to repatriate people crossing the Channel to the UK in small boats Was.

In an escalation in the political crisis following the death of 27 people in the Channel, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmin has written to Patel, saying a meeting on Sunday would go ahead without British involvement.

It follows Johnson's letter to President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday night setting out five steps to avoid a repeat of Wednesday's tragedy. The letter was publicly sent out as a tweet to the front pages of UK newspapers and French officials confirmed that Macron had not seen the letter before Johnson tweeted it.

Dormanin told Patel in a letter to Macron on Johnson's behalf that France's suggestion to withdraw people crossing the Channel was a "disappointment".

Referring to Johnson posting the letter on social media, he said: "Making it public made it worse. That's why I need to cancel my meeting in Calais on Sunday."

During his visit to Italy, Macron also said he was "shocked by the ways that are not serious".

He said: "One does not communicate from leader to leader, on such questions, by tweets and by letters which one makes public. We are not whistleblowers."

The French government's official spokesman, Gabriel Attal, added criticism of Johnson's letter to French television, calling it "mediocre in content, and wholly inappropriate with respect to form".

Atal told BFM TV that the letter "was mediocre as it does not respect all the work done by our Coast Guard, Police, Gendarmes and Lifeboat Crew ... it basically proposes a 'transfer' agreement , which is obviously not necessary to solve this problem.


"We are sick and tired of this dual talk and outsourcing problems."

Atal added: "What we need is that we need it to send immigration officers to France, to investigate asylum demands in Britain, on French territory."

He added that the tone of the letter "didn't in the least reflect Emmanuel Macron's exchange with Boris Johnson ... Solve it. It doesn't work that way - it works through collaboration."

France was planning to host ministers from all states along the Channel coast, including Patel, for a meeting on the refugee crisis in Calais on Sunday.

A source close to Dormain told Agence France-Presse and French media that the meeting would be with ministers from other European countries, but said Patel was no longer invited following Johnson's "unacceptable" letter.

"We consider the British prime minister's public letter to be unacceptable and contrary to the conversations we have had with our counterparts," the source said on condition of anonymity.

"Therefore, Priti Patel is no longer invited to the inter-ministerial meeting on Sunday, which is maintained in the format of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and the European Commission."

The Transportation Secretary, Grant Shapps, dismissed the suggestion that Johnson's letter was sent to grab headlines and insisted it was made in good faith. "I can reassure my French friends about it and I hope they will reconsider," he told Radio 4's Today programme.

Johnson wrote to Macron asking France to immediately take back all migrants who landed in England after crossing the Channel.

He said taking people back could save thousands of lives by "radically breaking the business model of crossings, criminal gangs - if not stopped" behind smuggling.

Johnson's letter also set out areas for greater cooperation with France, proposing joint border patrolling, aerial surveillance and intelligence sharing.

The new row adds to post-Brexit tensions between Britain and France, with French fishermen on Friday leading to a blockade of Channel Ferry ports and protesting fishing rights blocking goods entering the Channel Tunnel.

In another development, the head of a UK trade union, which represents thousands of Border Force employees, has warned that if members are asked to push back people's boats, they will be given ballots to strike. could.

His words follow Patel's claims in Parliament on Thursday that the Border Force is ready and ready to turn around and send back boats that came from France.

PCS Secretary General, Mark Cervotka, said: “It is shocking that the government is suggesting the Border Force employees to return the boats, which would be clearly against international law and morally reprehensible.

"PCS is reviewing all its options, including conducting a judicial review against Priti Patel's plans and possible industrial backlash."

Pretty Little Thing Black Friday: Get 100% off Super Sale

Black Friday, the shopping sale extravaganza is upon us. 26, brands and retailers across the country will slash prices on everything from holiday and homeware to toys, teles and tech.

And clothing and fashion brands are no exception. Fast fashion retailer Pretty Little Thing, known for its extensive collection of affordable and on-trend clothing, is offering huge discounts of up to 100 percent on everything on its site. If you want to grab a super bargain this Black Friday then today is the day. When and when can you get brand new merchandise completely free?

The brand has revealed that this offer will be valid till 11 pm on Friday, so run, don't walk. New lines are falling every hour but deal will be valid only till stock lasts. See the biggest drop at 12 noon and 6 pm.

This unbeatable offer follows a massive (but notably low in retrospect) offer of up to 80 percent running before the big day.

Perhaps you're longing for a jewel-toned co-ord to beat your friends with envy on Christmas knees? Then don't waste any time snapping it. This has been reduced from £27 to just £9 for the whole set.


Or perhaps you had your eye on a sheer mesh bodycon dress in acid colors? It's your lucky day because it's a steal of £9 for less than £18.


If Molly Mae is your style icon then you'll be pleased to know that editing a PLT ambassador's favorite collection is also enjoying a value piece. This white cut-out dress is now down from £32 to just £16.


The PLT website is also offering huge discounts on beauty brands like Bondi Sands, Nip + Fab and Morphe. But prepare yourself—this is just a teaser in the warm-up to the main event. The brand will be announcing never-seen-before deals on the big day, November 26, and if the current massive discounts are anything to buy, they'll be basically giving away stuff for free. So come on, buy a whole new outfit (or five) for the price of a pair of socks.

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In 'True Story', Kevin Hart Really Does Kill

In a candid interview, the prolific comedian and actor talks about taking a dark dramatic turn in this Netflix thriller and gaining support from his friend Dave Chappelle.

Sometimes it takes some persistence to get Kevin Hart's attention, but it's ultimately worth the wait.

As he approached last Thursday for our lunchtime interview, Hart was in the middle of a phone call that he couldn't get out or finished. For a few minutes he walked down the aisles of the MO Lounge at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in midtown Manhattan, a cellphone pressed into one ear as he strolled closer to our desk, then turned off in the other direction as he continued the conversation.

Then, in one uninterrupted motion, Hart ended the call, slumped over a chair in front of me and smoothly switched to face-to-face conversation mode.

"Talk to me, let's go," he said.

The 42-year-old stand-up and comedian, Hart has a constantly busy schedule and he seems to love it. You can catch him round the clock in light-hearted adventures like the "Jumanji" series; dramas such as "The Upside" and "Fatherhood"; animated features such as "The Secret Life of Pets"; their advertisements for Chase Banking; any of his previous stand-up specials; Or his streaming talk show, "Heart to Heart." Hours after we spoke, it was announced that Little Hart would be playing Gary Coleman in a live TV re-enactment of "Different Strokes." And on Tuesday, his comedy album "Zero _____ Given" was nominated for a Grammy.

To this detailed resume you can now add the Netflix series "True Story," a seven-episode thriller starring Hart as a celebrity running to cover up a death he may be responsible for Or not.

In "True Story," which is set to release Wednesday, Hart plays a mega-popular comedian and actor known as the Kid. After a misguided night out with his struggling older brother, Carlton (Wesley Snipes), Kidd wakes up in a hotel room next to a dead woman's body—and then swiftly tries to cover up and protect her death. initiates a series of reckless decisions. His profession

You might wonder if Hart could handle such a role with his life or death stakes and sometimes brutal action sequences. He shares none of these concerns. As Hart explained to me between a bite of french fries and a sip of coffee, "True Story" was created to show that he is as capable of hard-edged drama as any other genre. (Hart is also the executive producer of the series.)

"When it's all said and done with me and my career, people will realize I've checked every box," he said. "It's just for show, I got that. It's in my bag. If I'm itching to do it, I'll make it a thing to scratch."

The "true story" arose from this ambition and from Hart's conversations with Eric Newman, an executive producer and showrunner of the crime dramas "Narcos" and "Narcos: Mexico".

Newman, creator of "True Story" and a writer for the series, said in a phone interview that Hart wanted to play a character who was similar to himself, but whom he perceived as an existential threat to desperate measures.

But, Newman said of the show's protagonist: "Her version of existential danger may be different from yours or mine. If my children were in danger I might have been driven to do something terrible. A Celebrity Matters In, a famous person, if you take away his career, it is a fate worse than death."

The "true story" is largely fictional, but Hart's real life doesn't lack for drama. He is only two years away from a car accident in which he suffered major back injuries, required surgery and rehabilitation, and is said to have left him a changed man. And it's almost three years since she stepped down as host of the Academy Awards after some of her previous jokes and comments were criticized as homophobic.

While Hart continues to ponder the Oscar controversy, he has also received renewed public support from Dave Chappelle, his friend and fellow stand-up, who, in his recent Netflix special, "The Closer," said that with Hart was mistreated. ("The Closer" itself has been criticized as transphobic, and dozens of Netflix employees walked out of the company's Los Angeles office in protest last month.)

Hart spoke further about his desire to create a "true story", his understanding of the fact and fiction behind the series, and the criticism he and Chappelle received. These are edited excerpts from that conversation.

The "true story" goes deeper than anything we've seen you before. What did you want to do?

The goal was to present a side of my talent that could never have been expected. The best way to do this was to kill. How do I shoot on camera? Bluntly, just like that. The joy in entertainment is in doing things that you can never do in life. Comedy has given a chance to be funny in different ways. Buddy-cop movies. action Adventure. It has given me a world where I am able to play and have fun. Well, it's the exact opposite. I'm still playing, but I have to be dark as hell.

Is there any chance that your audience won't accept you in something like a "true story"?

When you start doing it for the perception of others, you are never going to win. You should be your biggest believer in what you do. I want to do drama because I know I can do it. I know that I am good at it. So I'm going to do it and keep it there. I would never put so much power in someone else to think that their opinion controls my narrative.

What was it about "Narcos" that made you want to work with Eric Newman?

Eric made you root for a bad guy. Although we all know how Pablo Escobar dies, you still found yourself rooting for Pablo when he was running from officers on a rooftop. You find yourself walking, "Come on, Pablo, get out there." To me, I said: "I have to be reliable in this space. If I'm going to kill, how do I make people care about me the same way?"

The nonstop demands of the professional world that Kidd stay in "True Story" seem punishable enough. Do you like your job?

While we were in the process of development, I explained my world to Eric. Everyone is giving you their energy, good or bad. their problems. It is: "I need you to -" "Do you -?" "You know what's going on with me, you think you can help?" When is it too much? No one wants to hear that you don't want to, or that you can't. So you find yourself being pushed around.

Do you find, as he does, that there are temptations for bad behavior around every corner?

[controversial] Yes, it still is! It's so easy to dumb [derogatory]. It is available whenever you want. Doing the right thing, living life the right way, is a conscious effort behind it. And this is work. Not to say it's working poorly, but you're constantly working to make sure you're doing things the right way in the right way. You need a good team around you who is okay with saying no.

How did you get Wesley Snipes to play the baby brother, Carlton?

As we really started to get into this character, we realized he was such an important piece of the puzzle. We need a real good actor who can pull off Carlton, and Wesley Snipes' name comes up. We were like, "Do you think we can have that?" I was like, "I'm going to reach out." Wesley thought it was a comedy at first; He was a little far. I had to explain to him that it was serious and I wasn't kidding. When he lay down on the material, he said: "Well, you better bring it up. Because if I do that, that's what I'm expecting." I said, "Don't say that anymore."

[Hart gives himself an excuse to go to the bathroom. When he returns, he is again talking on his cellphone, this time with filmmaker F. From Gary Gray, who is directing Hart's upcoming heist film, "Lift."]

How many balls do you have to face to make it as an entertainer these days?

My reality is crazy. The amount of things I am able to manage and delegate and operate at the same time is mind-blowing. It is a talent within a talent. I can't multitask like nobody else's business.

I guess you can dial it all back in if you want - just do one or two projects a year?

Then what should I do with the rest of the year? [Laughs.] I'm twiddling my thumb. I'll be mad, man.

Dave Chappelle speaks in your defense at the end of his new Netflix special, "The Closer." How did you feel about that?

He's my brother. My relationship with Dave is one that I value, respect and appreciate. In our profession, it's a crab-in-a-barrel mentality. There is a belief that there can only be one star or one funny man, and we are always pitted against each other. When you have the confidence and security to embrace another talent and stand up to another talent, it says a lot about who you are. Chappelle is working on a different frequency, man, and I can't be prouder of that.

Were you worried that your mention of him would reopen your old controversy, or put you in a position to defend Chappelle from the criticism he received?

In what world would he not be a friend if he wanted to be a friend? With Dave, I think the media have an amazing way of making what they want a narrative to be. In this conversation related to Dave, no one heard what his effort was. They are hearing a story that has been created. So the conversation has now been escalated to something that has nothing to do with the beginning of what it was. That's where it gets lost. Everyone has to get off the soap box and get to the solution site.

But where is the middle ground between Chappelle and the people who feel hurt by "The Closer"?

There is no disgusting bone in that man's body. And I don't say that because it's fictional - I say it because I know it. I know his world. I know he embraces the LGBT+ community because he has friends who are close to him from that community. I know their children understand equality, fair treatment, love. I know his wife incorporates this into her children. I know why people hug him. He's a good dude.

Do you agree with the argument - as some defenders of Chappelle have made, and as often comes when a comedian is criticized for insensitivity - that anything can be said in the context of the joke?

You can't say that. "It's just a joke," isn't it? I understand why people want this. but it's not like that. If it's a joke, it's a joke. You may find a joke tasteful or distasteful. If you're a supporter of an artist, you're probably fine with what's going on. And if you're not a fan, you're angry and you're annoyed. That's right - you have every right to be. You also have the right not to support it. But the energy which is put into trying to change or eliminate someone is getting out of hand.

Has this experience given you a new perspective on a time when you were criticized for your comments?

I can only relate because of what I have gone through. Difference in what I experienced: I learned a lesson in arrogance. My ego blinded me where I couldn't see what the real thing was. My ego kept me thinking: You want me to apologize? I have already done it. This was 10 years ago. Why are you asking like this, now, when I have said these things?

But it was not about people who may or may not have known that I apologized. It was about people who wanted to know that I do not support violence in any way. Because I missed it, it doesn't make me a hater—which makes me oblivious for a moment as I wrapped up in my [disgrace]. I was human You can't lose it. And that's what's happening today: We're getting lost trying to say, "I'm right and you're wrong and that's all." I don't understand how we ever evolve.

Does it seem strange that comedians should be paying so much attention - that their words should carry so much weight?

You cannot ignore the attention that comes with the platform we are on. One thing you have to be aware of now is that words have an effect. You have the option of choosing to be a stage person when you speak. If you want to say something, it is your right. With the things you choose to speak on, the reaction can come. If you're okay with its pluses and minuses, that's your choice.

I am much more aware today than I was yesterday, and I am mindful of what I say. I am making sure that I am on the side of understanding. It doesn't take away my ability to be myself. It simply means that in being ourselves, let's make sure we are respectful in our approach.

Saudi women's footballers eye World Cup participation with launch of soccer league

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's launch of its first women's football league on Monday will clear the way for girls who dream of becoming professionals - and perhaps even playing in the World Cup.

Long condemned for harsh sanctions on women, Saudi Arabia lifted a decades-old ban on female footballers just a few years ago, and now aims to develop a national team large enough to fight in major tournaments. .

The ultra-Orthodox Muslim nation has faced criticism for its poor human rights record and for using sporting events to jail women activists.

Its latest move in a reform campaign came this month when the Saudi Football Federation announced the creation of a women's football league with 16 teams taking part in games in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam.

Among those excited by the move was Farah Jaffrey, who said she hopes to play in England's top division and represent her country on the biggest stage at the World Cup.

"At the beginning of my football journey, I faced some difficulties in which not everyone accepted it," she told AFP.

"But my family and friends were very encouraging to me," said the 18-year-old in the jersey ponytail.

Like many other girls who were passionate about football but were unable to participate in competitions, Jaffrey played on the street with relatives or with friends at school.

His only other outlet was watching the game on television, she said.

The state adheres to a rigid interpretation of Islam, and women's participation in sport is still up in some quarters.

But since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power in 2017 some restrictions on women have been lifted as the country opens up to the world through sweeping reforms.

This change has enabled women to get behind the wheel and participate in mixed-gender settings, even as harsh crackdown on dissent remains.

'number one'

According to officials, Jafri is one of around 30 players out of 400 candidates who have been selected to be part of the Saudi national women's team.

"I dream of the day when I can represent my country in the Women's World Cup," she said. She added that she also hopes to play for English team Manchester City at club level.

There is no women's team affiliated with a sports club in Saudi Arabia whose men's team has qualified for the World Cup five times.

During a training session in Riyadh, the women of the national team enthusiastically took to the field at Prince Faisal bin Fahd Stadium, some of them without veils but wearing long tracksuits under their shorts.

Authorities have yet to announce a ban on any sporting clothing for Saudi women, who in the past faced severe scrutiny from religious police for enforcing a strict dress code.

The team's goalkeeper Lama al-Onizhi said he was very happy to be part of the team.

"I fulfilled my dream and even my parents' dream because they encouraged me so much on this journey," the 25-year-old told AFP.

Saudi Arabia has so far set up three training centers for girls aged 13 to 17 across the country, with plans to set up nine by 2025.

It announced this week that Germany's Monica Staub has been appointed head coach of the women's national team, dubbed the "Green Eagles".

"Everything new, like a child walking, begins to stand," said Staub, who won the inaugural UEFA Women's Cup in 2002 as manager of Eintracht Frankfurt.

The Saudi national women's team is currently preparing for their first friendly match in February.

Staub, who has previously coached the national women's teams for Bahrain and Qatar, said she was optimistic.

"In five to eight years, they will be number one in the Gulf and that will be a huge achievement," she said.

Climate change


Emissions Gap Report 2021 shows that new national climate pledges combined with other mitigation measures put the world on track for a global temperature increase of 2.7°C by the end of the century. This is well above the goals of the Paris climate agreement and would lead to catastrophic changes in the Earth's climate. To keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius this century, the Paris Agreement's aspirational goal, the world needs to halve annual greenhouse gas emissions over the next eight years.

If implemented effectively, net-zero emissions pledges could limit warming to 2.2 °C, close to the Paris Agreement target of below 2 °C. However, many national climate plans delay action until after 2030. The report finds that reductions in methane emissions from the fossil fuel, waste and agricultural sectors could help narrow the emissions gap and reduce warming in the short term.

"Climate change is no longer a problem of the future. It is a problem now," said Inger Andersen, executive director of UNEP (UN Environment Programme). “To stand a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, we have eight years to cut greenhouse gas emissions by nearly half: to plan, implement policies, implement them, and ultimately cut Eight years. The clock is ticking hard."

As COP26 delegates conclude talks, we can expect climate action to accelerate in the real economy: at the system level, across countries, across industries and within organizations. However, the net-zero commitments made are holding back the formation of supply chains, market mechanisms, financing models, and other solutions and structures needed to facilitate the world's decarbonization path. For businesses, these conditions will create opportunities to innovate and lead coordinated action by industry peers, value-chain partners, capital providers and policy makers. They also present the additional risk that commodity prices will rise globally.

To have any chance of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C, the world has eight years to take an additional 28 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent (GtCO2e) from annual emissions, which are in the updated NDC and other 2030 commitments. has been promised. To put this number in perspective, carbon dioxide emissions alone are expected to reach 33 gigatons in 2021. When all other greenhouse gases are taken into account, annual emissions are closer to 60 GtCO2e. So, to have a chance of reaching the 1.5°C target, we would have to cut greenhouse gas emissions by almost half. For the 2°C target, the additional requirement is less: a drop in annual emissions of 13 GtCO2e by 2030.

The net-zero commitments made at COP26 came from all stakeholders—governments, financial institutions, companies, multilateral organizations, and others—who must participate to solve systemic problems. For example, the transition to clean shipping would require customers to request the service, shipping companies to invest in ships operating on zero-emissions fuels, fuel producers to make more of those fuels, And banks will need to provide capital for these efforts. And when these activities are coordinated, they change the entire operational context for companies.

COP26 also saw new commitments from groups such as the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ). In many cases, net-zero commitments are being carried out by various global companies ahead of their plans. Relatively few businesses have yet to have a clear, detailed plan for how they will achieve net zero. This is what leaders should now focus on; Investors and regulators expect them to do so. Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak reiterated at COP26 that the Treasury would require UK-listed companies to issue net-zero plans by 2023. It is only a matter of time before regulators and supervisors follow that example.

Financial institutions have been at the forefront of the campaign to cleanse zero, and they continue to advance at COP26. GFANZ brought together more than 450 institutions, representing $130 trillion in financial assets (40 percent of the global total), who pledged to align their portfolios with net-zero goals. Various analysts estimate that a net-zero transition would require $150 trillion in capital expenditure, two-thirds of which would be in developing economies. While there is fair debate about what the GFANZ treaty could mean in terms of capital investment – ​​and that far more capital would be needed – the commitment shows that capital is starting to build up.

The challenge now is to deploy enough capital quickly to achieve net zero. At a systems level, the focus should be on growing the markets and institutions that can invest money in decarbonization and adaptation. This includes expanding voluntary carbon markets, restructuring multilateral development banks, creating platforms for developing countries and futures markets for green goods.

Extreme weather will not be the only climate-related threat to supply chains in the coming years. As demand for materials with lower emissions intensity increases, such as green steel, production capacity may not be growing fast enough to keep pace, at least in the near term.

Companies would like to prepare for tight supply and upward pressure on their costs. Some businesses are closing in on buying contracts for commodities such as Green Steel. It may also be possible to hedge the price difference between conventional materials and zero-emissions options - although this would require trading capabilities that few companies outside the financial sector have.

For manufacturers of steel, cement and other materials, the increasing demand for zero-emissions items constitutes an opportunity, which can be met only if they decarbonise their base of installed assets. Doing so would take significant capital as well as technology and time.

Further warming will have physical consequences, and warming is set to continue. The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that further changes in Earth's systems are off limits, no matter how much warming. What's more, several climate-modeling efforts based on COP26 pledges show that continued warming will raise temperatures by more than 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.


The physical threats posed by climate change have revealed human impacts. For example, in a scenario-based analysis of Race to Resilience, a campaign led by the United Nations High-Level Climate Champions, in a scenario where there is 1.5°C of warming by 2030, nearly half of the world's population is at risk of becoming a climate threat. may come into contact. Relating to heat stress, drought, flood, or water stress. And compared to high-income countries, low-income countries such as Pakistan have larger populations that are likely to be exposed to at least one climate threat.

A recent study on the Climate Risk Country Profile placed Pakistan among the top risk countries in terms of average temperature rise and resultant social and economic losses.

The study noted that Pakistan is facing a significantly higher average temperature increase than the global average, with a potential increase of 1.3°C-4.9°C by the 2090s compared to the 1986-2005 baseline Pakistan has faced some of the highest disaster risk levels, the study said. The world ranks 18th out of 191 countries on the Informed Risk Index 2020

Pakistan is the fifth most climate sensitive country in the world. Between 1998 and 2018, according to the Global Climate Risk Index, climate-related disasters in the country are estimated to have killed about 10,000 people and caused about $4 billion in damages from 152 extreme weather events over that period. Analysts estimate Pakistan's climate migrants at around 30 million people over the past decade.

Despite any debate about whether COP26 was successful, the general direction for countries and businesses has been established. Momentum has shifted towards Net Zero, which gives businesses a new organizing principle.

The transition to net zero will be complicated. The best leaders can expect this to be relatively orderly, and not caused by sudden, unexpected changes.

So courageous leadership will help navigate the transition. Leaders will need to cut down on the noise and articulate a direction for the future, backed by a detailed plan to get there.

Pakistan has a short-term strategy to deal with issues like climate change. Every government wants a policy or a project which can be completed during its tenure. But it will not work in case of environment. There is a need for a policy based on a long-term vision to deal with these issues.

Besides water scarcity and melting glaciers, the monsoon is changing, directly affecting the country's already struggling agricultural output. Pakistan is a multi-threat country in terms of its vulnerability to climate change. Much more needs to be done to protect the environment and local communities from the ravages of climate change.

Pakistan has recently launched an "Eco-systems Restoration Fund" to support nature-based solutions to climate change and facilitate the transition towards environmentally resilient initiatives covering afforestation and biodiversity conservation . Pakistan has officially started the process of creating a National Adaptation Plan to build resilience to climate change. All these efforts should be given top national priority with the ownership of all the key stakeholders. The time to act is now.

Pakistan, IMF reach staff-level agreement for the last time

IMF says Pakistan met all quantitative performance criteria for the end of June, except one, with a wide margin

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has agreed to restart its $6 billion Expanded Funds Facilitation Program for Pakistan, as the two sides finally reached an employee-level agreement.

In a statement issued by the international moneylender on Monday, it said, "The agreement is subject to approval by the Executive Board, in particular after the implementation of prior works on fiscal and institutional reforms."

"Completion of the review will make available SDR 750 million (approximately US$1,059 million), bringing the total disbursements under the EFF to approximately US$3,027 million and helping to unlock significant funding from bilateral and multilateral partners."

The IMF recognized that "despite the difficult environment", Pakistan is making progress on implementing the Extended Funds Facility Programme.

"All quantitative performance criteria (PCs) for the end of June were met with a wide margin, except for the primary budget deficit," the IMF said.

It listed the finalization of the National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) update, the parliamentary adoption of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) Act amendments as "notable achievements" by Pakistani authorities.

The IMF also acknowledged Pakistan's efforts in improving anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism infrastructure.

It also approved Pakistan's decision to pay the first tranche of outstanding dues to independent power producers (IPPs) to unlock the payment of reduced capacity as stipulated in renegotiated power purchase agreements (PPAs).

IMF on the macroeconomic front

The IMF has praised Pakistan's response to the coronavirus pandemic, saying it has helped in controlling the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It also said the Federal Board of Revenue's (FBR) tax revenue collection has been "strong".

The IMF said that Pakistan is bearing the brunt of external pressures in the form of a growing current account deficit and depreciation of the exchange rate.

However, the international moneylender said these were "reflecting the mixed effects of strong economic activity, an expansionary macroeconomic policy mix, and high international commodity prices."

"The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has also taken the right steps by reversing the accommodative monetary policy stance, consolidating certain macroprudential measures to contain consumer credit growth and providing further guidance."

The IMF said that Pakistan shared its plans to introduce a number of fiscal measures to target a small reduction of the primary deficit in relation to the previous fiscal year, with:

(i) High quality revenue measures to make the tax system simple and fair (including adoption of reforms in the GST system)

(ii) Prudential spending restraint, completely protecting social spending.

The IMF said that if Pakistan continues with these fiscal policies, it will help the country to grow at 4% in FY2022 and reach 4.5% in FY2023.

"Although inflation remains high, it should begin to see a declining trend after absorbing the pass-through of the rupee's depreciation and after temporary supply-side constraints and demand-side pressures are eliminated," the IMF said. needed."

The IMF warned that despite some growth in Pakistan's exports, the current account is expected to grow this year. It said this widening of the deficit reflects rising commodity prices across the globe and rising import demand in the country.

IMF on Tax Reforms, Monetary Policy and Power Sector

The IMF said Pakistan would have to continue its efforts to eliminate preferential tax treatment and exemptions, which would ultimately help the country allocate enough resources to spend.

The international moneylender called on Pakistan to ensure that its monetary policy remains focused on curbing inflation, maintaining exchange rate flexibility and strengthening international reserves.

“As economic stability strengthens and the independence of the SBP is strengthened with the ratification of the SBP Act amendments, preliminary work should be done by the central bank to formally adopt an inflation targeting (IT) regime in the medium term.” should pursue, underlined by a forward-looking and interest-rate-focused operational framework," it said.

The IMF said that Pakistan needs additional efforts to strengthen monetary transmission and communication along with modernizing the operational structure of the State Bank.

The IMF said that it is important to bring the power sector to viability and deal with its adverse impact on the budget, financial sector and the real economy.

“In this regard, firm implementation of the Circular Debt Management Plan (CDMP) will help guide planned management reforms, cost reduction, timely alignment.





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