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CHP's Imranlı Mayor Murat Açıl passed away

Murat Açıl, the mayor who was injured in a traffic accident in the İmranlı district of Sivas, could not be saved. The sad news was announced by the Governor of Sivas, Salih Ayhan. After the news of his death was heard, condolence messages came one after another from the CHP wing.

As a result of the collision of a light commercial vehicle and a car in Sivas, 4 people, including İmranlı Mayor Murat Açıl, were injured. 

The injured, including İmranlı Mayor Açıl, were transferred to the surrounding hospitals. Açıl, who was taken to the hospital after the accident, died.

Açıl was a CHP candidate in the local elections in March 2019 and was elected mayor with 38 percent of the votes. He was married and had 4 children.


Governor Salih Ayhan, who went to İmranlı State Hospital after the accident, announced the sad news to the people of the district gathered in front of the building.

Governor Ayhan made a statement here,"We are very sad today, we are sad. We received an accident report around 12:00. It is an incident involving 8 people, including our brother, Mayor Murat Açıl, who went to İmranlı. As of now, it is not easy to convey this information. We are very sad. We unfortunately lost Mr. Murat Açıl. All of our doctors. Unfortunately, he could not be saved. His heart stops at the time of the incident. Our friends intervene at the scene of the accident, they return him, but his heart stops again in the hospital. Our healthcare professionals tried their best, but unfortunately we lost. All 7 people in the other vehicle were transferred to Sivas. 7 people from the same family "There, too, the condition of the 2 injured people is serious. They are also being followed closely. We do not know what the neglect situation is in the accident. Our prosecutors are conducting a judicial investigation. I love all Sivas" people, the people of the condolences" said.


It was reported that the treatment of Bekir Demir, the driver of the other vehicle from the same family, and Mehmet, Tuğba, Eyüp, İsmail, Yaren Su and Eslem Demir in the hospitals continued. The condition of two of the injured was stated to be critical.


After the sad news was heard, condolence messages came one after another from the CHP wing.

CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who shared a post on his social media account, said , "Our pain is great! I wish God's mercy on our Mayor of Imran, Murat Açıl, who passed away as a result of a traffic accident. Our condolences!" used the phrases.

Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, said in a post on Twitter, "I wish God's mercy to our Mayor of Sivas İmranlı, Murat Açıl, who died as a result of a traffic accident, and a speedy recovery to the injured .

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